Perbedaan Waktu Bali dan Surabaya

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Indonesia is a country with a lot of islands, each with its own unique culture, traditions, and even time zones. Bali and Surabaya are two popular cities in Indonesia that have different time zones. Understanding the difference between the time zones of Bali and Surabaya is essential if you’re planning to travel between these two cities.

What is time zone?

A time zone is a region of the Earth that has the same standard time. The world is divided into 24 time zones, each with an hour difference from its neighboring time zone. Indonesia has three time zones: Western Indonesia Time (WIB), Central Indonesia Time (WITA), and Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT).

Bali Time Zone

Bali is located in the Central Indonesia Time (WITA) time zone, which is one hour ahead of Western Indonesia Time (WIB). WITA is used in Bali, Lombok, and other islands in the central part of Indonesia. This means that if it’s 9:00 AM in Jakarta, it will be 10:00 AM in Bali.

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Surabaya Time Zone

Surabaya is located in the Western Indonesia Time (WIB) time zone, which is one hour behind Central Indonesia Time (WITA). WIB is used in Jakarta, Bandung, and other cities in the western part of Indonesia. This means that if it’s 9:00 AM in Bali, it will be 8:00 AM in Surabaya.

Why is it important to know the time difference between Bali and Surabaya?

Knowing the time difference between Bali and Surabaya is essential for planning your travel schedule. If you’re traveling from Bali to Surabaya, you need to factor in the time difference to avoid arriving late for your appointments or missing your flight.

Planning Your Travel Schedule

When planning your travel schedule between Bali and Surabaya, you need to consider the time difference. If you’re traveling from Bali to Surabaya, you need to add one hour to the time in Bali to get the time in Surabaya. For example, if your flight from Bali departs at 9:00 AM, you need to arrive at the airport at 8:00 AM Surabaya time to avoid missing your flight.

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When communicating with someone in Bali or Surabaya, it’s important to be aware of the time difference. If you’re in Surabaya and you want to call someone in Bali at 9:00 AM Surabaya time, you need to remember that it’s already 10:00 AM in Bali. You also need to take into account the time difference when scheduling meetings or appointments with someone in Bali or Surabaya.

Business Hours

Business hours in Bali and Surabaya may differ due to the time difference. Most businesses in Bali start their day at 9:00 AM WITA time, while businesses in Surabaya start their day at 8:00 AM WIB time. This means that if you’re doing business between Bali and Surabaya, you need to take into account the time difference when scheduling meetings or appointments.


Transportation schedules may also differ due to the time difference. If you’re traveling by air or by sea between Bali and Surabaya, you need to check the local time in both cities to avoid missing your flight or your ferry.

Cultural Differences

Aside from the time difference, Bali and Surabaya also have different cultural traditions. Bali is known for its unique Hindu culture, while Surabaya is known for its Javanese culture. Understanding the cultural differences between Bali and Surabaya can help you appreciate the richness and diversity of Indonesia.

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In conclusion, understanding the time difference between Bali and Surabaya is essential if you’re planning to travel between these two cities. Knowing the time difference can help you plan your travel schedule, communicate effectively, schedule meetings or appointments, and appreciate the cultural differences between Bali and Surabaya. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, being aware of the time difference can help you make the most of your trip to Indonesia.

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